Tenants looking for housing in Stockholm South
Below you can see our database of tenants looking for housing in Stockholm South. Start your rental process here. Use the filter below to find individuals seeking rental housing in Stockholm South. You can create a listing for your available rental housing in Sweden directly here.
3 housing seekers
Looking for apartment for rent in Salem or Stockholm, Sweden
Wanted: 1-100 m2 apartment for rent- Area: 1-100 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 20,000EUR
Looking for apartment or room for rent in Stockholm City, Stockholm South or Stockholm West, Sweden
Wanted: 5-70 m2 apartment / room in Stockholm City, Stockholm South, Stockholm West for rent- Area: 5-70 m2
Looking for apartment or room for rent in Stockholm City, Stockholm South or Stockholm West, Sweden
Looking for a room for a single person.- Area: 12-30 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 340EUR