Tenants looking for housing in Angered
Below you can see our database of tenants looking for housing in Angered. Start your rental process here. Use the filter below to find individuals seeking rental housing in Angered. You can create a listing for your available rental housing in Sweden directly here.
5 active search ads right now
Marc is looking for apartment or room for rent in Gothenburg, Sweden
I dont have preferences, everything is good for me- Area: 12-50 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 450 EUR
Toon is looking for apartment or room for rent in Gothenburg, Sweden
Im looking for a room or an apartment. I would enjoy to live with others, but Im open to a place for myself as well.- Area: 8-100 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 750 EUR
Rayan is looking for apartment, house or room for rent in Stockholm County or Gothenburg, Sweden
Wanted: 25-150 m2 apartment / house / room for rent- Area: 25-150 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 900 EUR
Claudio is looking for room for rent in Gothenburg, Sweden
Double bedroom for my girlfriend and me- Area: 10-20 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 400 EUR
I am looking for apartment, house or room for rent in Gothenburg, Sweden
I’m looking for an apartment for myself, with a bed, bathroom, and kitchen, preferably not too far from the city center or...- Area: 10-55 m2
- Huslejeudspil: 900 EUR